Support Jeff Davison for Mayor:
Donate Today!
Support the Jeff Davison Campaign with a one-time or monthly donation. If you prefer to contribute by cheque, make it payable to ‘Jeffery Davison Campaign’ and email info@jeffdavisonyyc.com to arrange delivery. Together, we can build Calgary's future.
Contributor limit of $5,000 total
The maximum amount allowed per contributor is $5,000 per calendar year, per election type.
Up to $5,000 for council candidates (includes mayor and councillor)
Up to $5,000 for public school board candidates
Up to $5,000 for separate school board candidates
It is possible for a contributor to give a maximum total of $15,000 per calendar year for a General Election.
Self-fund $10,000 maximum per campaign period
Each candidate can contribute up to $10,000 per campaign period of their own funds to their campaign. The candidate is not reimbursed for these funds.
Are contributions tax deductible?
Contributions to municipal election candidates are not tax deductible.
The following can contribute to a candidate:
Alberta residents
Alberta trade unions or Alberta employee organizations
corporations other than a prohibited organization
You, or your representative, are responsible for informing prospective contributors of rules contributing to a municipal election campaign. Contributors are responsible for ensuring that they are eligible and do not exceed their maximum per year.
The following cannot contribute to a candidate:
a municipality,
a corporation that is controlled by a municipality and meets the test set out in section 1(2) of the Municipal Government Act,
a non-profit organization that has received since the last general election any of the following from the municipality in which the election will be held:
(A) a grant;
(B) real property;
(C) personal property;
a Provincial corporation as defined in the Financial Administration Act, including a management body within the meaning of the Alberta Housing Act,
a Metis settlement,
a board of trustees under the Education Act,
a public post-secondary institution as defined in the Post-secondary Learning Act,
a corporation that does not carry on business in Alberta,
a registered part as defined in the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act (Canada), or
an organization designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as a prohibited organization.
Visit Elections Calgary for the latest update at: https://www.calgary.ca/election/for-voters/donating.html
We accept one-time or monthly donations online with all major credit cards.
Cheques payable to “Jeffery Davison Campaign”